Sunday, August 06, 2006

Back to School

Tomorrow I go back to work after seven weeks off. You know how after a holiday weekend it is hard to get back into the groove? Well, I am hoping that I wake up a little more motivated tomorrow.
Mostly, I worry about Izabell's teachers. She has also been off for seven weeks. As a teacher, I know how children can act when they get out of their routine. She has had too much "Mommy time". In other words, she's spoiled rotten. So, you might want to pray for Ms. Jan and Ms. Cheryl because they are going to have their hands full for a week or so until they get Izabell "whipped back into shape".

Anyway, if you don't hear from me for a few days, don't worry. I may have a hard time keeping up after I get back to work. I don't usually have time for much of anything after coming home from work, trying to catch up on house work, and getting everybody fed and ready for bed. I am not griping, I'm just letting you know that this will no longer be a priority. But I will try to keep up as best as I can.


KathyH said...

Wow, Laura, I'll be praying for you!! (I pray for you every day anyway, you know! Or did you?)

It would be hard to go back after 7 weeks off, I would imagine!It's the opposite for me--I've been working my tail off all summer, but I did my last workshop last Thursday, so now my load will begin to lighten!

Every summer I dread all my summer workshops, and then at the end of them I always feel like an idiot for having worried so much about them. I'm a walking example of the scripture in Psalms that says,

"There they were, overwhelmed with dread when there was nothing to dread!"

You have nothing to dread either. God is with you! Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

I know how amazing you are, I am reminded of it everytime I get to hug Izabell, (which I got to do today!!) I'll be praying for you as you go back to work and for Izabell, and her teachers. We'll talk to ya when your life gets more "normal" Love ya Laura!!

Me said...

Ahhhh, a new year. God will give you the strength!

KathyH said...

Still praying for you!

Let us know how your week's going when you get a chance. Hey, I guess I'll see you in choir practice Wed. night, huh?