My sister had her baby yesterday morning. Her name is Gracie Renee and she is beautiful. Izabell insists that she is going to be "the best big sister". I have told her that they are cousins, but she's not satisfied with that. Of course, after seeing Gracie, I believe that they could be sisters. As I was holding her, she would make little faces that reminded me of Izabell as a baby. Of course her head is about half the size of Izabell's at the time of birth, which is not fair. Maybe that's why Chelsea continues to have children and I don't.
Izabell did so well holding her. She rubbed her head gently, kissed her, and played with her toes. She was amazed by the tiny feet. Maybe someday Izabell will be a great big sister. But not anytime soon.
So, anyway, here's our new baby. She's beautiful and healthy. Thank you God.
So glad she's here and healthy! I've been praying and wondering!!!
How absolutely perfect!!! I love the euphoric expression on Izabell's face when she's looking at the baby. What a great mommy she will be someday!
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