Okay, I realize that I am chancing it by putting nude photos on my blog, but all of the "private parts" have been cropped out and there are a total of 3 people who ever even look at my blog, so I guess it will be okay.
I had to put this on my blog to show that I AM the best mom in the world. How many people let their 3 year old cut loose with a squirter in the bathroom and "wash Mommy's walls"? I know that my mother would have beat me. Of course, she would let her grandchildren do it, but that's one of those rules in the grandmother handbook. Rule #3- Let your grandchildren get away with anything that their parents would not allow, especially if you would have beaten them for doing it.
Okay, I'm done being silly. Seriously, I know that I am not the best mother in the world. There are many great mothers in the world and I know several of them. I have a great mom and my grandmothers are all great, too. But I have had to get out my old textbooks about behavior management and child discipline and positive guidance and whatever else they choose to call it. I think I have forgotten all that I thought I knew about disciplining a child. Or maybe I didn't forget. Is it possible that Izabell needs her own book? Oh, wait, maybe she already has one. Raising the Strongwilled Child. Does anyone have a copy of it that I could borrow? Maybe if I live through raising Izabell and niether of us are scarred too badly, I will write my own book called, How to survive the Strongwilled Child.
Well, I feel that I have painted a negative picture, so I am going to take a moment to clarify. I love my daughter, and God made her special for me. He knew how to challenge me and how to reward me. I wouldn't trade Izabell for any other kid. Maybe a dog. No. I like her better than anything else on this earth. And, concerning the picture, she was only allowed to spray the mirror-not the wall. And she did ask mommy first.
She's a sweetie and so are you! I absolutely love having young friends!
Oh my gosh Laura!! I love those pictures of her and being a mother of a strong willed child, I know how important it is to remember that they are a blessing.........just doesn't seem like it in the thick of it. Of course, I love Izabell and I love you. :)
Absolutely priceless!! How much more innocent can anyone be than in the bathtub?? I think you're a great mom!! Strong-willed or not, any child can bring us from tears of frustration to tears of joy in about 60 seconds flat. I think Izabel is awesome! She lives life with such passion...how many of the rest of us can say the same?
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