I am so glad she's not really blonde. Here's Izabell enjoying supper while lounging in a log. Izabell, Able and Lauralie roasting marshmallows. Izabell wants a big brother so bad. She sucked up every second she had with Triston.
you're a beautiful blonde. but izabell was clearly meant to have dark hair. I think she looks like snow white with her dark hair and blue eyes and beautiful red lips.
I agree. Snow White. Her and Johannah's litte one both. I can't wait to see you! Oh and how I wish you were here to can with me. We have a beautiful fall garden started also. Pickled okra...even when on our last penny...how could I forget!
I am a mother, teacher, wife, and above all, a follower of Christ. I work with pre-schoolers all day long and serve on the praise team and youth group at church. My daughter is almost 6. I am exhausted and I love it.
Hey, I resemble that blonde remark!!!
you're a beautiful blonde. but izabell was clearly meant to have dark hair. I think she looks like snow white with her dark hair and blue eyes and beautiful red lips.
I agree. Snow White. Her and Johannah's litte one both. I can't wait to see you! Oh and how I wish you were here to can with me. We have a beautiful fall garden started also. Pickled okra...even when on our last penny...how could I forget!
She would be beautiful if her hair was any color. Even pink !! I think she is truely a red head personality wise.....
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