We went to my Uncle Doug and Aunt Laurie's new house for Thanksgiving. For most, Thanksgiving is about giving thanks for the blessings in their live's. But for Izabell, it's about eating, drinking and making new friends. My aunt and uncle have three boys. We usually only see them on holidays, so Izabell has not had the chance to get to know them. Well, she got to know them Thursday. I love watching her play. In the first picture she is wrestling on the bed with my cousin Tyler. He is the youngest of the three and he is so sweet. The second picture is of Izabell and Glen (uncle doug's friend's kid) "riding" four-wheelers. The last picture is of her new best friend, Chris. He is the oldest of the three and Izabell loved him. He left to go get his girlfriend and Izabell spent that time looking for him and calling everyone else "Chris".
So, that is what I am thankful for. Izabell. I have so many blessings in my life, but none compare to the joy of having a daughter.
And you looked so cute singing "Celebration" Sunday!
Nice pictures! I love Izzy. Can I call her that?
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