Today's sermon was about prayer. I'm sure you've all heard many sermons about prayer before. So have I. But this one touched me in a personal way. Kevin told a story about a man on an airplane showing pictures of his kid and talking about how wonderful his kid is, as though he were the first person on earth to ever experience having a child. I can totally identify with that story. When Izabell was born, I honestly felt that she was the first miracle to ever happen. She will turn 3 next month and I am still in awe of every new thing she does, as though she were the only child to ever learn to swing or sing a song, or use a CD player. It NEVER gets old. Kevin used that story to explain that God feels that way about us, and prayer is our way of going to Him. Don't we want our kids to call on us for love, support, attention? God wants that from us, too. How dare we keep that from Him. Prayer is so simple, yet we so often don't get it. Sometimes, we don't have to pray words. God knows what we want. The song "God of Wonders" has a line in it that I pray when there are no words, but I want to feel close to God. "Father hold me, hold me." Simple isn't it? That's all He wants. Kevin, thanks for putting it in simple terms that I can identify with.
Amen! And wasn't it good what he said about how God couldn't love us more (or less) depending on what we DID (or didn't do)?
Now THAT statement blows legalism all to pieces, doesn't it!?
I think the thing that amazes me the most about God is his unconditional love. I think I love a few people unconditionally, but I must admit I don't love everybody that way...
Hey, that reminds me of a song! I'll try to find it and post the words on my blog.
Great picture! our children are a blessing, even when they're not. You get the idea.
I have often wondered what it felt like, as a baby, to be held in someone's arms.
That must have been the life!
I love how thoughtful your posts are, I frequently look at Alison and comment on what a miracle she is...then Russ gently reminds me that all the kids are. I hope I can remember that even when they need a little "bouncing off the wall" Give Izabell a squeeze for me. :)
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