Is there a limit on how much fun you should have in one day? And at what point is it considered child abuse? I mean, if they are begging for a nap, have you gone a little too far?
Yesterday, my mom took the girls and me to Siloam Springs to visit her cousin, Katie. We started out the day by driving to Alma, shopping and then continuing the trip to Siloam. This means that the girls were worn out before we got there. Then, we spent several hours in the pool. I was beginning to think it was way past time for the girls to take a nap, when Katie loaded us up in the car and said we were going somewhere for a surprise. We ended up at the drive-through Safari at Gentry. This was great. We played with a baby tiger, a lemur, a snake, and many other animals. And, oh my gosh, was it hot! Well, we made our way around the place petting goats and feeding prairie dogs. I should have probably given in and asked to take the girls home when Izabell started staggering around as though she were drunk. However, I didn't give in until she laid down and tried to take a nap with a kangaroo. I am telling you, this girl is a hoot. She treats these animals as though they are just any other play mate.
So, we finally loaded up, went to Sonic and got slushes, and then headed home. Nap time? Not quite. Did I mention that it was hot? Well, when we got back to the house, the electricity was out. So, back to the pool we went.
As much fun as we had, the best part of the whole experience was this morning. Izabell slept in till 9:30!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We might try that again soon.
By the way, in case you wondered, the picture has nothing to do with my post. I just thought it was too cute not to share.
Dang, that wore me out just reading about it!
You're a great mom, Laura!
Sounds like a fun day! I'd be needing a nap too!
Oh my gosh, I want you to be my mommy too!!!! I wanna go do that with my brood, but I don't think Alison would be quite as forgiving...maybe next year!!! You'll have to tell me where that drive thru safari is!!! What a blast, thanks for sharing!!!
Oh, and I LOVE the picture of Izabell!!!!
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