I am sitting here having tea (as hot as I can stand it) because I cannot sleep due to coughing. This has been going on for almost a week now. But tea always makes me feel better.
Izabell loves to have tea parties. The funny thing is, we never actually have tea at our tea parties. As you can see in this picture, water works a lot better. Sometimes juice or iced tea or soda. Mostly, we have tea parties to practice manners, fine motor skills, and, well, just spend time together. But on the day that this picture was taken, she was having tea alone, confined to her chair, so that I could get supper done. Isn't that pitiful? Just like so many of us do, we get so busy that we cut out the important stuff. I am writing this post to remind myself and all of my friends to be careful. Lord, please help us to remember what is really important and prioritize appropriately.
By, the way, check out the shoes. That's the Murray coming out in her.