Yesterday a friend of mine road her mower to my house and helped me mow my lawn. She knew that ours was out of order, and that my husband had been too busy lately to fix it. She also knew how much it stresses him out that the lawn was grown up. So she risked looking like a fool and drove it through town to my house with the gas can riding with her. (of course, in Scranton, it wasn't that out of the ordinary) She also gave up sitting inside in the air conditioning doing things that she wanted to do. She also had to go through the trouble of getting the elderly lady that she takes care of up and down my steps so that she could stay in my house while we did the yard.
Now that's service. I love having friends that will do that, not for me, but for my husband.
In the end we had a mowed yard, we were hot and tired, and I was dehydrated. That's all I can figure because I have been sick, sick, sick every since I came inside yesterday.
Oh, and I forgot, we started out the day by eating green eggs and ham that this same friend brought us. The egg shells were a sort of green tint, and my girls were disappointed to see that the insides were the same as any other egg, so I put in a drop of food color and we really did have green eggs.
The point of all of this is to let everyone know that I am blessed. I have so much that I never dreamed I would have, and on top of it all, I have a friend that really knows how to be a friend.
That really IS a friend! It's HOT out there!
How wonderful to have such great friends!! I hope you're feeling better.
Sorry, just read your comment on kathy's blog. I really did appreciate you serving in the nursery on Sunday. There truly is nothing greater we can do than to love our children in Jesus' name. Just remember that what we do to the least of these we do unto the Lord. Worship is about giving...you got it goin' on!
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