Thursday, May 22, 2008


Izabell and I had a girl's night tonight. It was the first time in a LONG time that I have sat and rocked her in the rocking chair. It's not near as easy as it used to be and she's really squirmy, but it felt good.
I couldn't help but compare our feet. The women in our family all have the same hands and feet. It's a very strong gene.

Monday, May 12, 2008

The end of the school year is here and that means we are busy, busy, busy. I have portfolios to finish, graduations to attend (and plan), concerts, recitals, etc. This picture was taken last Sunday before the Awana's award ceremony. That's one less thing that we will have to fit into our schedule for now. I am still trying to figure out why everything shuts down for the summer. We should learn to alternate this stuff. Maybe some things need to be moved to the summer so that we are not totally overloaded August through May.
Anyway, I plan to spend as much time as I can with Izabell this summer because last summer was over before I realized it was here.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Gone Fishin'

Izabell caught her first fish.
We went to Jessica's Graduation party on Petite Jean Saturday. We had a great time, eat great food, and Izabell learned to fish.
I realize that it is a small little brim, but she did it all by herself. I am so proud of her. I am also proud of Jessica, who now has a Masters and a 4.0. Wow!

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Sorghum Hollow-The Series (part 3)

Okay, the last stop on our adventure over Spring Break. If you've ever looked at my blog you can probably recognize it. My favorite place in Arkansas, Half-Bushel. Izabell and I sat on the rocks with our feet in the water until we decided that we could not live on water and sunshine alone. So we made our way out of the wilderness and found food. We could have stayed longer, but neither of us can fish. Can you believe that this country girl doesn't fish?

Anyway, there it is. The end of the series. Mom, sorry it has taken so long. I attempted to post the other day, but my computer wont connect to the internet for some reason. Maybe my next post will be sooner.