I went back to my childhood today. The one before my parents divorced and we moved out of "paradise". My mother has been staying with us and we made plans this morning to take the kids to the creek. I have been under a lot of stress lately and decided that today was for me, so this seemed like a great plan. I never expected what I got. To fill you in a little bit, I grew up in Midway, Arkansas down a dirt road called Sorghum Hollow. Can you get any more country? I am thirty and have been to many beautiful places, but nothing compares to the beauty of Half Bushel, the creek where I spent most of my childhood summers. Part of the reason it is so beautiful to me is because of the clear, undisturbed, mirror-like water early in the morning before anyone has been there. Or the indescribably peaceful trees that tower over the bluffs. Or the open blue sky scattered with cotton ball clouds. But mostly, because it takes me back to the time in my life when all was right in the world. I didn't know anything about worldly issues. I mean, come on, we lived down in the "hollor" and all of my neighbors were my Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, and Grandparents. There was not much to experience except for the peaceful ways of the country and the love of my family. Wow!
So like I said, I went back this morning. There was no one there. Until my sister and her daughter showed up. And shortly after, came my dad. So there I am, enjoying my daughter in this beautiful setting when my whole family showed up(except for my brother). My mom and dad are getting along, my sister is being a normal person(as best she knows how) and I am in the most beautiful place God has created that I know of. I got the best therapy today-family and simple nature.
God is Great.